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Another year without Party.San Metal Open Air

We fought for a long time, but in the end in vain.

Unfortunately we have to inform you that 2021 will also be a year without Party.San Metal Open Air.

[Translate to Englisch:]

The health department of the Unstrut-Hainich district did not pass the permit for our hygiene concept.
The concepts given by the authorities are neither target-oriented, meaningful nor implementable for us.
A heavy metal event is not a picnic concert or a seated concert in checkerboard pattern. Masks on the entire site cannot be enforced.
We see that the politicians at the state and federal level only approach the problems of the organizers at the financial level through aid programs, but see themselves not in a position to stipulate sensible framework conditions for music events except for profitable major football events -also in fact that the time window is getting quite narrow - no other option than to cancel your favorite festival again.
You can certainly imagine that this decision was super difficult for us and that we would of course have continued to argue with the authorities if there had been only a glimpse of hope.
We ask you to be patient until we inform you about the return / exchange details of the tickets. But that much in advance: the Party.San tickets 2020/2021 purchased so far will not be automatically rebooked to 2022. At the moment we are working on a practicable solution for ticket processing, easy to handle for all parties - no one will be left with the costs!

At the moment, all that remains is to thank you for your loyalty and support and to long for the day when we can return the favor. The targeted date for this is August 11th-13th, 2022
Stay strong, stay healthy and stay true to us!

The Party.San Metal Open Air Team