Five Doom/Death songs comprising sixty minutes of music is a risky proposition that lives and dies by one thing: riffs. If you’re going to write songs that average out to twelve minutes in length, the riffs contained within had better be interesting, dynamic, and, of course, crushing. Germany’s OPHIS, comprised of members from various German metal bands including Thränenkind, Sakramortem, and Fäulnis, present us with an hour of metal in the form of five doom/death songs on „Abhorrence in Opulence“(2014), their third full-length album and follow-up to 2010’s solid „Withered Shades“. This raises an obvious question: did OPHIS write both the riffs and songs necessary to make repeated spins of „Abhorrence in Opulence“ worthwhile? The answer, thankfully, is yes. See this monster of Funeral Doom live at Party.San Metal Open Air.

- Origin:
- Style: Funeral Doom
- Roots: Winter, Esoteric
- Homepage: http://www.ophisdoom.de
- added on: 08.01.2015