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SOULBURN is one of those fine mid ’90s bands that had their roots firmly planted in the ’80s and the very early ’90s, but that is not surprising since the band was formed by ex-Asphyx drummer Bob Bagchus and his former Asphyx bandmate, guitarist Eric Daniels. The original line up was completed by Wannes Gubbels from Pentacle (who has also served time in Asphyx), all of whom had remained true to the death metal cause throughout the tough times. The band’s debut album ‘Feeding On Angels’ was released by Century Media in 1998 and is a hellhammering doomy dark blackened death metal assault coming across like a more black/death sounding Asphyx overall, which should appeal to fans of both that band and Pentacle as well as bands such as Hellhammer, early Celtic Frost, classic Bathory, Messiah, Desaster etc., forsaking technicality in favour of primitive but very powerful riffs, topped off with rasping vocals, pounding drumming and an organic production. See them live at Party.San Metal Open Air 2015.



All appearances of SOULBURN on Party.San Metal Open Air