Much like the grand thrash revival of the early 2000′s, that is really still going strong today, good old fashioned speed metal seems to be making a major comeback in recent years. While many bands no doubt realize the importance of acts speed metal classics like Motörhead, Exciter and Razor, it would seem that not until recently, at least, that the younger generations are realizing just how fun speed metal can be. SPEEDBREAKER is one such speed metal revival act, focusing on fast and rollicking paced heavy metal with a melodically infused dual guitar attack and whiskey drenched vocals that would make Lemmy proud. See them live at Party.San Metal Open Air 2015.

- Origin:
- Style: Speed / Thrash Metal
- Roots: Motörhead, Judas Priest
- Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/SpeedbreakerHeavy
- added on: 24.11.2014